Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee is a vital ministry at Good Shepherd. Teaming up with Ripe for Revival, they provided Thanksgiving and Christmas food to our neighbors in need. Look for the next visit of the Ripe for Revival mobile market soon.
Additionally, the Outreach Committee coordinated Christmas gifts for thirty children in need through our Christmas Stars. These children had wishes granted through the generosity of our church family.
The Outreach Committee also works with our homeless shelters and last year renovate a community room with new cabinets, appliances and paint.
We are an active group! Want to get involved? Send Isabella Wagley an email about how you can help. [email protected]
Ripe for Revival!
We are excited to announce that Good Shepherd is once again partnering with Ripe Revival to sponsor the Ripe for Revival Mobile Market in our parking lot monthly throughout the summer. The Mobile Market is part of Ripe Revival’s 501c3 nonprofit Ripe for Revival that addresses food insecurity by bringing fresh seasonal produce, as well as quality dairy and protein options directly into communities most in need on a pay as you are able basis Summer can be an especially difficult time for families who rely heavily on school nutrition programs. By sponsoring the Mobile Market, CGS is helping supply food to these families as well as others struggling to afford quality fresh food. Our location in downtown Rocky Mount is ideal for the market, providing easy access to our neighbors in need.
The Mobile Market will be at CGS every fourth Thursday during the summer from 11am to 1pm. There is usually a simple cooking demonstration and recipes provided using ingredients from the day’s market selections. Add the following dates to your calendar to come check out the market, help with the cooking demo, greet shoppers and do a little shopping yourselves!
Thursday, June 27th from 11-1
Thursday, July 25th from 11-1
Thursday, August 22nd from 11-1
Snack Bags are back!
Thanks to the Eagle Scout Project of Carson Keeter, a member of Eric Seale's Scout Troop at First Methodist! For his project, he constructed and installed a Pantry Box and used excess funds raised to donated non-perishable food items to add to the pantry. Carson's project enables Us to reinstate the longtime Snack Bag ministry of CGS without the need for volunteer stop hand out the bags. Carson did an outstanding job with construction and blending the aesthetic of the Pantry Box with our beautiful church.
The pantry is open and stocked with bags of non-perishable food to help our neighbors. Donations designated for Snack Bags will help get the ministry up and running. We appreciate your help!
Additionally, the Outreach Committee coordinated Christmas gifts for thirty children in need through our Christmas Stars. These children had wishes granted through the generosity of our church family.
The Outreach Committee also works with our homeless shelters and last year renovate a community room with new cabinets, appliances and paint.
We are an active group! Want to get involved? Send Isabella Wagley an email about how you can help. [email protected]
Ripe for Revival!
We are excited to announce that Good Shepherd is once again partnering with Ripe Revival to sponsor the Ripe for Revival Mobile Market in our parking lot monthly throughout the summer. The Mobile Market is part of Ripe Revival’s 501c3 nonprofit Ripe for Revival that addresses food insecurity by bringing fresh seasonal produce, as well as quality dairy and protein options directly into communities most in need on a pay as you are able basis Summer can be an especially difficult time for families who rely heavily on school nutrition programs. By sponsoring the Mobile Market, CGS is helping supply food to these families as well as others struggling to afford quality fresh food. Our location in downtown Rocky Mount is ideal for the market, providing easy access to our neighbors in need.
The Mobile Market will be at CGS every fourth Thursday during the summer from 11am to 1pm. There is usually a simple cooking demonstration and recipes provided using ingredients from the day’s market selections. Add the following dates to your calendar to come check out the market, help with the cooking demo, greet shoppers and do a little shopping yourselves!
Thursday, June 27th from 11-1
Thursday, July 25th from 11-1
Thursday, August 22nd from 11-1
Snack Bags are back!
Thanks to the Eagle Scout Project of Carson Keeter, a member of Eric Seale's Scout Troop at First Methodist! For his project, he constructed and installed a Pantry Box and used excess funds raised to donated non-perishable food items to add to the pantry. Carson's project enables Us to reinstate the longtime Snack Bag ministry of CGS without the need for volunteer stop hand out the bags. Carson did an outstanding job with construction and blending the aesthetic of the Pantry Box with our beautiful church.
The pantry is open and stocked with bags of non-perishable food to help our neighbors. Donations designated for Snack Bags will help get the ministry up and running. We appreciate your help!